No Posts in 2008….

Ye, I know I’ve been awful to you guys.  However I’ve been hard at work.  I’m working on puttin up my own site, ( which is not finished yet, it will have a blog (powered by wordpress) and I will be posting more than just month old movie reviews, I plan to do some big movie highlights, some opinion pieces and other stuff…

right now there is a more or less empty wordpress blog there, I will not be active until March more than likely (trying to fix up the site properly), until then please bear with me… lata


Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium

The film is directed by the newcomer Zach Helm, and stars Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman and Jason Bateman.

The film is set in modern day at the very interesting shop of “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium”. This shop is a magical toy store where nothing is run by any form of logic. It is owned and operated by the “Avid Shoe-Wearer” Mr. Magorium (Dustin Hoffman). The store’s manager, “the Composer” Molly Mahoney (Natalie Portman), is a young pianist who just can’t seem to finish her masterpiece Continue reading “Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium”

I Am Legend Review

So… ppl keep telling me that I always post movies that are so outdated… Well since you bother me so much, here is something decently recent….


    This new science fiction flick, directed by Francis Lawrence (also did “Constantine” (2005)), stars Will Smith.

The movie is set in the near future, where a plague has spread amongst mankind. Robert Neville (Will Smith) is the last living man. He is in New York City, where the plague originated from, where he is living and surviving. He is immune to this virus, and is therefore attempting to cure this virus by transferring his immunity on to the infected. He has so far been unsuccessful. We follow as he tries to keep going through this time of lonesome searching.

    The movie was a lot of many things. I know I talk to some of my friends and they tell me the same thing everytime I make this complaint, about something looking way too like another thing, and what they tell me is true but I still complain. Continue reading “I Am Legend Review”